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General lung support for normal respiratory processes with a particular focus on the lung’s normal healthy relationship with its
innate microbiota/microbiome, normal mucus producing processes, and overall respiratory activities.
• Lung - normal support
• Respiratory - normal processes
• Normal cough responses
• Antioxidant protection for air quality
• Nutrition for post “stop smoking” programs
• Support normal microbial relations
• Goldenseal – The most popular herb in the Americanmarket. Was used by the Native Americans. Containsinherent berberine salts.
• RNA/DNA Lung Factors – Specific support for thelung’s cellular identity and tissue integrity via organizedamino acids, peptides, and nucleoprotein structures.
• RNA/DNA Thymus Factors – Specific support forthe thymus’ cellular identity and tissue integrity viaorganized amino acids, peptides, and nucleoproteinstructures.
• Pancreatin 4x – A 4x concentrate of a group of
pancreatic enzymes [amylases, proteases (trypsin), lipases]. Helps the normal hydrolyzation process ofnutrients for absorption.
• Aspartic Acid – An amino acid that helps every cellperform better. Research indicates it is supportive for normal immune system performance.
• Allantoin – One of nature’s great healing compounds.  A derivative from the comfrey plant. Supports normal aging and cell repair processes.
• Tayuya – Rainforest botanical (Brazil), general blood tonic, normal metabolic process support.
• Aloe Vera – Often used by asthmatics because of its immune-modulating support of normal pulmonary
• Lungwort – Pulmonaria officinalis. Herbal texts cite the “Doctrine of Signatures” regarding Lungwort because its flowers resemble the inner lung tissue.

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