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GCO is formulated with nutrients and herbs — including astaxanthin, berberine HCL, cassia bark, and Masson pine bark — to support existing healthy blood sugar levels, metabolism, cardiovascular health, and digestive function.*

The addition of Carbon Technology supports cellular renewal, repair, and energy production, as well as healthy mitochondrial function.*

Formulated with Carbon Technology

Carbon Technology is a proprietary blend of fulvic acids and polysaccharides that support cellular repair and the body’s natural ability to detoxify.* With a low pH, Carbon Technology also helps protect ingredients from being digested by stomach acid, so that they remain intact as they enter the desired location in the body.


Product Overview

Level up your metabolic and cellular function with GCO. GCO addresses blood sugar imbalances in several different ways, including delaying the breakdown of carbohydrates into simple sugars, increasing the activity of insulin receptors, mimicking insulin action, and reducing glucose delivery through the gut.

This product contains a proprietary blend of herbs, plus fulvic acid extracts, which protect the herbs from damage and quickly drive the nutrients into your cells. This squad of health supplements is designed to do more than merely support blood sugar balance. They act on lipid metabolism, affect the expression of a variety of genes, and optimize cellular function.


  • Supports blood sugar balance
  • Can improve cognitive mental capacity
  • Aids in digestion
  • Promotes healthy cellular function
  • Helps to protect against heart disease
  • Supports increased muscle mass

This site have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products sold on this site are not intended to cure, treat, diagnose or prevent disease. Content on this site is not considered medical advice. Please consult a physician before implementing any new supplements or regimes. Shore Holistic Nutrition and Wellness LLC is not a substitute for medical care as we do not diagnose, nor offer advice or prescriptions.
