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Traditionally effective for symptoms due to allergic reactions, coughing, sneezing, difficult breathing, hay fever, rashes and itching of the skin, food reactions, headaches.

Key Ingredient:

Aralia racemosa 4x - Hay fever, dry cough, frequent sneezing, allergic asthma, tickling in the throat.

Accompanying Ingredients:

Formicum acidum 12x - Redness, itching and burning of the skin
Luffa operculata 6x - Allergic rhinitis, hay fever, sinus conditions
Cardiospermum 3x - Itching skin, allergic skin rashes
Thuja occidentalis 4x - Dry cough, allergic asthma
Urtica dioica 4x - Profuse discharge from mucous membrane
Galphimia glauca 4x - Hay fever, allergic asthma
Petroleum 6x - Allergic conditions of the mucous membranes
Rhus toxicodendron 6x - Sneezing, intense itching of the skin
Lachesis mutus 8x - Headache, swollen gums, difficult breathing 

This site have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products sold on this site are not intended to cure, treat, diagnose or prevent disease. Content on this site is not considered medical advice. Please consult a physician before implementing any new supplements or regimes. Shore Holistic Nutrition and Wellness LLC is not a substitute for medical care as we do not diagnose, nor offer advice or prescriptions.
