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Shore Holistic Summer Gift Card Sale

Summer Gift Card Sale!!  Buy a gift card to use for any products, visits, or foot baths at the office or online and receive 25% back with purchase! 

Purchase $100 in gift cards and receive $125 total for products/visits at the office or in our online store

Purchase $200 in gift cards and receive $250 total for products/visits at the office or in our online store

Purchase $500 in gift cards and receive $625 total for products/visits at the office or in our online store

Purchase $750 in gift cards and receive $938 total for products/visits at the office or in our online store

Purchase $1000 in gift cards and receive $1250 total for products/visits at the office or in our online store

This site have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products sold on this site are not intended to cure, treat, diagnose or prevent disease. Content on this site is not considered medical advice. Please consult a physician before implementing any new supplements or regimes. Shore Holistic Nutrition and Wellness LLC is not a substitute for medical care as we do not diagnose, nor offer advice or prescriptions.
