Traditionally effective for symptoms due to allergic reactions, coughing, sneezing, difficult breathing, hay fever, rashes and itching of the skin, food reactions, headaches.
Key Ingredient:
Aralia racemosa 4x - Hay fever, dry cough, frequent sneezing, allergic asthma, tickling in the throat.
Accompanying Ingredients:
Formicum acidum 12x - Redness, itching and burning of the skin
Luffa operculata 6x - Allergic rhinitis, hay fever, sinus conditions
Cardiospermum 3x - Itching skin, allergic skin rashes
Thuja occidentalis 4x - Dry cough, allergic asthma
Urtica dioica 4x - Profuse discharge from mucous membrane
Galphimia glauca 4x - Hay fever, allergic asthma
Petroleum 6x - Allergic conditions of the mucous membranes
Rhus toxicodendron 6x - Sneezing, intense itching of the skin
Lachesis mutus 8x - Headache, swollen gums, difficult breathing